Sunday, May 4, 2008

Black and White Photos The Spirit of May 68: From Boul’mich to rue Gay Lussac

Mission: Let’s walk back in time and experienced first-hands places where the events of May 68 occured. Get your camera ready and take memorables pictures while receiving the advice of a pro. In tackling these various subjects, we will focus on creating strong compositions, taking advantage of available light, using natural light and flash to enhance street portraits, and taking advantages of the capabilities of digital cameras.
History of the Tour: The movement of March 22nd, following a series of protests led by a small groups of anarchists and “Les Enragés” of René Riesel, became well-know that particular day for having occupied Nanterre University. According to historians, Mr. Riesel asserted his protest against the arrests that happened during the Vietnam war.
This movement including also daily topics suchs as men’s access to girls dorms. The leader of this movement was Daniel Cohn Bendit. He would become the symbol of the fight against authority during the year 1967. Tension arises in September 1968, rumors that Cohn Bendit could be expulsed from the movement run high. When the news spread that Dany could be transferred to another university, a widespread strike arose supported by anarchist students, joined by leftist students as well such as JCR. Classes at Nanterre University are stopped on March 28, then start again on May 2nd, but this time, police erupt in classroom. This is too much to take for leftist activists, the unrest increases and reaches Paris. As soon as Pierre Grapin, Nanterre University’s president, decides to close doors on Friday, May 3rd 1968, the demonstration moves to the Sorbonne University. It marks the beginning of May 68 events.

Location: In front of the Sorbonne, across at number 17.
Cost: 140 euros
Experience: Beginners to Intermediate
Equipment: Camera “argentique” ou digital with manuel mode
Maximum size class: 6
Schedule: 14H00 to 19H00
Dates: Saturday May 31st
Reservation and Cancellations : To reserve your space, a deposit of $50 is required (to pay contact Paris Workshop Photography by dialing 0033-6-76-71-52-02 or leave your number at this e-mail adress Full payment is due on the day before the tour starts. If Paris Photography Workshop cancels for any reason, our sole obligation is to return all payments received. By making a payment, you are deemed to have understood and accepted these conditions.
Insurance & Liability: We accept no liability for any accidents, injuries, illness, or losses that may occur.